If you put something away for a long time, you don’t put it away in bad condition. You put it away in good condition. It should be the same with your equipment. You don’t want to store your equipment for the summer with dirt and salt all over and with no wax on the bases. This is the worst way to store your gear.
When you’re finished using your equipment for the season, completely clean your skis or snowboard, tune your equipment to your ability and iron on a coat of hot wax. Put a thin film of wax on your bases so they won’t dry out and coat your edges with wax so they won’t rust. Best of all, they’ll be ready to use for next season!
You can do it your self with tuning supplies from Swix. Get a kit that includes a file and hand holder, a file cleaner, 2 base repair sticks (1 clear & 1 black), a metal scraper, a 10″ plastic scraper, a pocket stone, a base polishing pad, 2 file guides and a package of universal wax.