Selecting the right travel bag for your ski trip is easy as 1 2 3.
How long will your trip last? A larger cargo bag may be needed for all your gear needed for a week long trip verses a small bag for a day trip. For a week long trip you will need several days of clothing to avoid stinky clothes or washing machines. If you are going on a day trip all you need are the clothes on your back and a pair of jeans for the trip home.
Where are you going? If you are headed to the airport we highly recommend bags with wheels. No longer do you need to break your back carrying your gear and possibly the rest of the family’s gear. Keep in mind that your gear will get tossed around by the baggage handlers and the airlines will not pay a claim unless your gear is in a hard case such as the Sportube.
How long do you want your bag to last? You will find inexpensive bags and higher end bags. The higher priced bags will have thicker denier material, heavy duty zippers, separate compartments and wheels. To be good to the earth buy a quality bag that will last several years.