What To Do With Your Old Skis

Wood Ski Wall Hanging

Many of us have been spring cleaning. Do you have any old skis hanging around from years past. You know, the ones that have bindings that are so old they are no longer on the binding manufacturers indemnification list. Here is a list of things you can do with those old skis. 1) Hang themRead More

100 years of Rossignol Skis

You say, What? Rossignol has been making skis for Over 100 years! How can that be? Well let me tell you… Carpenter Abel Rossignol, born in the French Alps and a very committed skier, made his first skis out of solid wood in 1907. In 1937, Emile Allais became world champion on Rossignol skis. With RossignolRead More

Ski / Snowboard Length

Did you know the length of your ski and snowboard is determined by your weight and NOT your height as many believe? When you stand on a pair of skis or a snowboard, your weight compresses the camber which is designed into every ski & snowboard to distribute your weight evenly throughout the running surface.Read More